Shipping Methods

  1. How to package?
    We will ship by International packages/ EMS/DHL/UPS/TNT, or we will shipping by the sea, if the order cubage is more than 1 stere, that depending on the area you live in.
  2. How many days it takes?
    General it takes 5-7 working days to all the world by UPS, and, it takes 7-9 working days by EMS,, depending on the area you live in.
  3. How to calculated does the postage?
    Postage is calculated in accordance with the weight ,So buy more and save more!For example: the EMS express charge is almost the same price for 1 or 5 items with the package. the heavier the parcel, the cheaper the shipping cost per KG.
  4. About the delivery time
    After you place an order, we will check your order first and then send the invoice to you within 48-72 hours. And as our old wholesalers,(order from us before.) we will check your order Priority, and get the items we have stock ready for you first, and then send the invoice to you include the Accurate postage. So that after you pay, and we will send it to you within 1 working day.